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Skip the Filter & Feel Your Confidence in October!

Happy Fall Season!

In October’s email I am raising awareness on the value of meditation, sharing October specials, and providing a DELICIOUS recipe for spicy kale and chicken sausage soup. These are all behaviors that support well-being and boost your confidence! Say yes to no more filters!

Meditation is definitely a hot topic in media, research, and health literature. Being very honest, I had some hiccups in starting and maintaining a routine practice. Then one day, I took a

class from Terri Cole and a new light was shed on it’s simple but very powerful impact on the human psyche and body. What meditation does, is slows are thought process down just a little. This allows us to respond and not react when we get triggered. When we respond it is a conversation of dialogue not debate. When we stay in a state of responding our stress hormones are not released. When our stress hormones are not released, our health benefits, our skin looks more vibrant, and our sleep improves. Meditation has a ripple effect!

Meditation does not take long. Five minutes can be very beneficial. The key is consistency! I recommend finding the same time everyday for your practice. Set an alarm on your phone to remind you. If you find yourself saying, "I am just too busy". I want to invite you to spend 10 minutes less on social media and allocate that time to your dedicated meditation practice. Meditation is a way of investing in your health and your well-being.

October is health literacy month. I cannot say how much I learned about improving my own health with a routine yoga classes and teaching yoga for nineteen years. With that said, any individual who has not done a virtual yoga class with me, I am offering a free guest pass for my Wednesday morning class from 10:00 to 10:45 EDT on Zoom. If you are interested in checking it out, email me directly so I can set you up. If you decide you like it I am offering an additional 5% discount on a package deal, making the total service fee $66.50 for 5 classes. You can purchase up to three packages at this price with classes expiring 4 months after purchasing them. Feel free to pass this email on to as many friends and family members who might be interested. At the end of the email is a digital flyer with more information on the class.

Gentle reminder, registration is open to my Hybrid Face Yoga class on November 9th from 11:00 to 12:00 EDT on Zoom and live at 902 N. Meridian’s Atrium, Indianapolis. At the end of the email is a digital brochure with more details.

In addition to the yoga package discount I am continuing the 10% discount on all PCA peels I offer. I highly value providing PCA peels to my guests. They contain TCA, Trichloroacetic acid, which is a smaller molecule than other acids in chemical peels. This provides deeper penetration into the skin and better results. Lactic acid which is soothing and draws moisture into the skin. Alpha-lipoic acid a powerful anti-oxidant, and milk thistle extract that soothes and clarifies the skin. If you are ready to book your October facial with me, you can contact me at If you would enjoy more information on my facial service her is the direct link to my website.

Bess of Everything!



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